AceleraDev Data Science Project - Recommender System to Generate Leads based on Clients’ Portfolio

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction
    1.1 Objective
    1.2 Technical Requirements
    1.3 Defining the Process
    1.4 The Dataset
    1.5 Packages Imports
  2. Exploratory Data Analysis
    2.1 Load Market Data
    2.2 Describing Market Database
    2.3 Defining Missing Values Threshold
    2.4 Identifying ID and Constant Features
    2.5 Verifying Features’ Types
    2.5.1 Float Features
    2.5.2 Integer Features
    2.5.3 Categorical Features
    2.6 Imputing Missing Values
    2.6.1 Missing Values of Numeric Features
    2.6.2 Missing Values of Categorical Features
    2.7 Feature Selection
  3. Algorithm Evaluation and Overview of Steps to be Taken
    3.1 Types of Recommender Systems
    3.2 Selected Approach and Steps
  4. Model Training
    4.1 Load Portfolio Data
    4.2 “Companies Profile” Table / Principal Components DataFrame
    4.3 Clustering Companies with MiniBatchKMeans
    4.4 Functions to Create Rating table and to Train Logistic Regression by Cluster
    4.5 Logistic Regression Training
  5. Model Performance
    5.1 Logistic Regression Metrics
    5.2 Functions to Make Recommendations
    5.3 Evaluating Recommendations
    5.3.1 Notes on Results
  6. Visualizing Results
    6.1 Making New Recommendations for Portfolio 2
    6.2 Visualizing Clients / New Leads for Portfolio 2
  7. Conclusion and Next Steps
  8. References

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1.0 Introduction

1.1 Objective

This project’s objective is to provide an automated service that recommends new business leads to a user given his current clients portfolio. Check out the deployed WebApp Leads Finder and a high level video explanation of the analysis in portuguese is available on youtube, link in the image.

Recommender System to Generate Leads based on Clients' Portfolio video, Miniature Photo by Jamie Street on Unsplash

1.2 Technical Requirements

1.3 Defining the Process

1.4 The Dataset

1.5 Packages Imports

from zipfile import ZipFile

import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import seaborn as sns
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from imblearn.over_sampling import SMOTE
from ml_metrics import mapk
from sklearn.preprocessing import OneHotEncoder, LabelEncoder, Normalizer, QuantileTransformer
from sklearn.decomposition import TruncatedSVD
from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split
from sklearn.linear_model import LogisticRegression
from sklearn.ensemble import RandomForestRegressor, RandomForestClassifier
from sklearn.cluster import MiniBatchKMeans
from sklearn.pipeline import Pipeline
from sklearn.compose import ColumnTransformer
from sklearn.metrics import mean_absolute_error, mean_squared_error, classification_report, accuracy_score, f1_score, precision_score, recall_score, roc_auc_score

%matplotlib inline


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2.0 Exploratory Data Analysis

2.1 Load Market Data

with ZipFile("../data/").open("estaticos_market.csv") as dataset:
    market_df = pd.read_csv(dataset, index_col=0)
Wall time: 9.08 s

2.2 Describing Market Database
<class 'pandas.core.frame.DataFrame'>
Int64Index: 462298 entries, 0 to 462297
Columns: 181 entries, id to qt_filiais
dtypes: bool(9), float64(144), int64(1), object(27)
memory usage: 614.1+ MB
id fl_matriz de_natureza_juridica sg_uf natureza_juridica_macro de_ramo setor idade_empresa_anos idade_emp_cat fl_me ... media_meses_servicos max_meses_servicos min_meses_servicos qt_funcionarios qt_funcionarios_12meses qt_funcionarios_24meses tx_crescimento_12meses tx_crescimento_24meses tx_rotatividade qt_filiais
0 a6984c3ae395090e3bee8ad63c3758b110de096d5d8195... True SOCIEDADE EMPRESARIA LIMITADA RN ENTIDADES EMPRESARIAIS INDUSTRIA DA CONSTRUCAO CONSTRUÇÃO CIVIL 14.457534 10 a 15 False ... 43.738462 93.266667 19.166667 26.0 26.0 27.0 0.0 -3.703704 0.0 0
1 6178f41ade1365e44bc2c46654c2c8c0eaae27dcb476c4... True EMPRESARIO INDIVIDUAL PI OUTROS SERVICOS DE ALOJAMENTO/ALIMENTACAO SERVIÇO 1.463014 1 a 5 False ... NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN 0
2 4a7e5069a397f12fdd7fd57111d6dc5d3ba558958efc02... True EMPRESARIO INDIVIDUAL AM OUTROS TRANSPORTE, ARMAZENAGEM E CORREIO SERVIÇO 7.093151 5 a 10 False ... NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN 0
3 3348900fe63216a439d2e5238c79ddd46ede454df7b9d8... True EMPRESARIO INDIVIDUAL AM OUTROS SERVICOS DIVERSOS SERVIÇO 6.512329 5 a 10 False ... NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN 0
4 1f9bcabc9d3173c1fe769899e4fac14b053037b953a1e4... True EMPRESARIO INDIVIDUAL RN OUTROS SERVICOS PROFISSIONAIS, TECNICOS E CIENTIFICOS SERVIÇO 3.200000 1 a 5 False ... NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN 0

5 rows × 181 columns

idade_empresa_anos vl_total_tancagem vl_total_veiculos_antt vl_total_veiculos_leves vl_total_veiculos_pesados qt_art vl_total_veiculos_pesados_grupo vl_total_veiculos_leves_grupo vl_total_tancagem_grupo vl_total_veiculos_antt_grupo ... media_meses_servicos max_meses_servicos min_meses_servicos qt_funcionarios qt_funcionarios_12meses qt_funcionarios_24meses tx_crescimento_12meses tx_crescimento_24meses tx_rotatividade qt_filiais
count 462298.000000 280.000000 176.000000 30684.000000 30684.000000 6590.000000 460371.000000 460371.000000 1760.000000 336.000000 ... 76261.000000 76261.000000 76261.000000 103574.000000 103574.000000 103574.000000 73888.000000 74014.000000 103574.000000 462298.000000
mean 9.948677 32.014286 3.818182 2.244329 1.177813 5.769044 3.591801 48.699177 134.597159 15.934524 ... 58.060498 96.661983 36.258851 12.324570 12.178529 14.343329 3.097607 -5.834288 9.510699 28.737044
std 9.615664 81.280168 6.797555 9.572536 6.589059 25.450950 72.600352 1206.696804 683.774506 29.708663 ... 142.951278 279.541243 123.411370 222.456579 222.584458 239.885359 163.581549 443.825819 27.918737 468.626094
min 0.016438 1.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000 0.000000 ... 1.933333 1.933333 1.933333 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 -100.000000 -100.000000 0.000000 0.000000
25% 2.756164 15.000000 1.000000 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000 0.000000 0.000000 15.000000 1.000000 ... 25.203704 33.333333 6.966667 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 -44.444444 0.000000 0.000000
50% 6.704110 15.000000 2.000000 1.000000 0.000000 2.000000 0.000000 0.000000 15.000000 3.000000 ... 43.533333 61.766667 23.200000 2.000000 2.000000 2.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000
75% 14.465753 30.000000 4.000000 2.000000 1.000000 4.000000 0.000000 0.000000 66.250000 8.000000 ... 68.883333 96.266667 46.500000 5.000000 5.000000 6.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000
max 106.432877 1215.000000 50.000000 489.000000 363.000000 1017.000000 9782.000000 122090.000000 11922.000000 108.000000 ... 5099.066667 5099.066667 5099.066667 51547.000000 51547.000000 54205.000000 27800.000000 87300.000000 1400.000000 9647.000000

8 rows × 145 columns

def create_control_df(df):
    Create a control dataframe from the input df with information about it's features.
    :param df: Pandas DataFrame from which control dataframe will be constructed.
    :output: Pandas DataFrame with features as index and columns representing missing values, missing percentage, dtypes, number of unique values, \
and percentage of unique values per number of observations.
    control_dict = {"missing": df.isna().sum(),
                    "missing_percentage": round(100*df.isna().sum()/df.shape[0], 3),
                    "type": df.dtypes,
                    "unique": df.nunique(),
                    "unique_percentage": round(100*df.nunique()/df.shape[0], 4)}
    control_df = pd.DataFrame(control_dict) = "features"
    return control_df
market_control_df = create_control_df(market_df)
missing missing_percentage type unique unique_percentage
id 0 0.000 object 462298 100.0000
fl_matriz 0 0.000 bool 2 0.0004
de_natureza_juridica 0 0.000 object 67 0.0145
sg_uf 0 0.000 object 6 0.0013
natureza_juridica_macro 0 0.000 object 7 0.0015
... ... ... ... ... ...
qt_funcionarios_24meses 358724 77.596 float64 762 0.1648
tx_crescimento_12meses 388410 84.017 float64 2237 0.4839
tx_crescimento_24meses 388284 83.990 float64 3388 0.7329
tx_rotatividade 358724 77.596 float64 2548 0.5512
qt_filiais 0 0.000 int64 304 0.0658

181 rows × 5 columns

print(f"The percentage of missing values in the market dataset is {round(100*(market_df.isna().sum().sum() / market_df.size))} %")
The percentage of missing values in the market dataset is 66 %
market_df.dtypes.value_counts().apply(lambda x: str(x) + " features <-> " + str(round(100*x/market_df.shape[1])) + " %")
float64    144 features <-> 80 %
object      27 features <-> 15 %
bool          9 features <-> 5 %
int64         1 features <-> 1 %
dtype: object

From this data preview, it can be said:

2.3 Defining Missing Values Threshold

The plot below shows that there are several features with missing values.

sns.distplot(market_control_df["missing_percentage"], kde=False, bins = 40, hist_kws={"alpha":1})
plt.xlabel("percentage of missing values")


Below, the output shows that 143 of the features with missing values are of type float64, while 20 of them are of type object.

market_control_df[market_control_df["missing"] != 0]["type"].value_counts()
float64    143
object      20
Name: type, dtype: int64

How many features have a percentage of missing values equal or higher than 50%?

market_control_df[(market_control_df["missing_percentage"] >= 50) & (market_control_df["type"] == "float64")].shape[0]
market_control_df[(market_control_df["missing_percentage"] >= 50) & (market_control_df["type"] == "object")].shape[0]

130 of the float64 features and 1 object feature have 50% or more missing values. The decision, as a rule of thumb, is to drop these from the market dataset.

columns_to_drop = market_control_df[(market_control_df["missing_percentage"] >= 50)].index
market_df.drop(columns_to_drop, axis=1, inplace=True)
market_control_df = create_control_df(market_df)

print(f"The percentage of missing values in the market dataset is {round(100*(market_df.isna().sum().sum() / market_df.size))} %")
The percentage of missing values in the market dataset is 7 %

Later, the remaining missing values of each type of feature will be addressed.

2.4 Identifying ID and Constant Features

The code below identifies features with a number equal to the number of observations (i.e. behaves as an ID for the companies), and features with constant observations (i.e. all observatios are equal, which will not help any model to generalize predictions/classifications/etc.).
The feature id is the only one that behaves as an identifier to the companies. We’ll assign it to a separate variable called IDs.
The feature fl_epp is the only one that has equal values for each observation, thus it’ll be dropped from the dataset.

id_features = list(market_control_df[market_control_df["unique"] == market_df.shape[0]].index)
constant_features = list(market_control_df[market_control_df["unique"] == 1].index)
print(f"The identifier feature{'s are' if len(id_features) > 1 else ' is'} {id_features}")
print(f"The constant feature{'s are' if len(constant_features) > 1 else ' is'} {constant_features}")

IDs = market_df[id_features] = ''
market_df.drop(constant_features + id_features, axis=1, inplace=True)
market_control_df = create_control_df(market_df)
The identifier feature is ['id']
The constant feature is ['fl_epp']

Below, the unique values for each categorical variable is shown.
The variable dt_situacao has too many classes for a categorical variable, this may cause problems later on while imputing values. The feature dictionary indicates that it represents dates when “de_situacao” was registered by the IRS, but it has no more references to “de_situacao”, so we’ll just drop it.

market_control_df.loc[(market_control_df["type"] == "object") | (market_control_df["type"] == "bool"), "unique"].sort_values(ascending=False).head()
dt_situacao             7334
nm_divisao                87
nm_micro_regiao           73
de_natureza_juridica      67
de_ramo                   33
Name: unique, dtype: int64
market_df.drop("dt_situacao", axis=1, inplace=True)
market_control_df.loc[(market_control_df["type"] == "float64") | (market_control_df["type"] == "int64"), "unique"].sort_values(ascending=False)
empsetorcensitariofaixarendapopulacao    15419
idade_empresa_anos                       14198
vl_faturamento_estimado_grupo_aux         6794
vl_faturamento_estimado_aux               1920
idade_media_socios                        1010
vl_total_veiculos_leves_grupo              310
qt_filiais                                 304
vl_total_veiculos_pesados_grupo            296
idade_maxima_socios                        118
idade_minima_socios                        114
qt_socios_pf                                64
qt_socios                                   62
qt_socios_st_regular                        54
nu_meses_rescencia                          51
qt_socios_pj                                12
Name: unique, dtype: int64

2.5 Verifying Features’ Types

Next, we’ll evaluate the features’ characteristics, modify their types as necessary, and create lists with features’ names by type.

market_control_df = create_control_df(market_df)

2.5.1 Float Features

market_control_df[market_control_df["type"] == "float64"]
missing missing_percentage type unique unique_percentage
idade_empresa_anos 0 0.000 float64 14198 3.0712
vl_total_veiculos_pesados_grupo 1927 0.417 float64 296 0.0640
vl_total_veiculos_leves_grupo 1927 0.417 float64 310 0.0671
nu_meses_rescencia 45276 9.794 float64 51 0.0110
empsetorcensitariofaixarendapopulacao 143829 31.112 float64 15419 3.3353
qt_socios 115091 24.895 float64 62 0.0134
qt_socios_pf 115091 24.895 float64 64 0.0138
qt_socios_pj 115091 24.895 float64 12 0.0026
idade_media_socios 151602 32.793 float64 1010 0.2185
idade_maxima_socios 151602 32.793 float64 118 0.0255
idade_minima_socios 151602 32.793 float64 114 0.0247
qt_socios_st_regular 154917 33.510 float64 54 0.0117
vl_faturamento_estimado_aux 27513 5.951 float64 1920 0.4153
vl_faturamento_estimado_grupo_aux 27513 5.951 float64 6794 1.4696

The code below assigns the names of float features to the list float_features, and the names if float features with missing values to float_features_with_missing. It also creates a table describing the float features.
Checking their mean and median values through the next table, it’s possible to infer that their distributions are right skewed (overall, means > medians).
Also, the features idade_media_socios, idade_maxima_socios, idade_minima_socios, which represent ages, have negative minimum values.

float_features = list(market_control_df[market_control_df["type"] == "float64"].index)

float_features_with_missing = float_features.copy()

features idade_empresa_anos vl_total_veiculos_pesados_grupo vl_total_veiculos_leves_grupo nu_meses_rescencia empsetorcensitariofaixarendapopulacao qt_socios qt_socios_pf qt_socios_pj idade_media_socios idade_maxima_socios idade_minima_socios qt_socios_st_regular vl_faturamento_estimado_aux vl_faturamento_estimado_grupo_aux
count 462298.000000 460371.000000 460371.000000 417022.000000 318469.000000 347207.000000 347207.000000 347207.000000 310696.000000 310696.000000 310696.000000 307381.000000 4.347850e+05 4.347850e+05
mean 9.948677 3.591801 48.699177 25.007247 1308.005725 1.496326 1.476681 0.019645 42.816452 44.344131 41.355225 1.396082 8.020911e+05 3.367205e+08
std 9.615664 72.600352 1206.696804 9.679799 1161.889222 3.276626 3.258079 0.195166 12.626447 13.930385 12.514921 2.578793 3.099979e+07 7.114614e+09
min 0.016438 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 100.000000 1.000000 0.000000 0.000000 -2.000000 -2.000000 -2.000000 1.000000 0.000000e+00 4.104703e+04
25% 2.756164 0.000000 0.000000 22.000000 673.230000 1.000000 1.000000 0.000000 33.000000 34.000000 32.000000 1.000000 1.648512e+05 1.854576e+05
50% 6.704110 0.000000 0.000000 23.000000 946.680000 1.000000 1.000000 0.000000 42.000000 43.000000 40.000000 1.000000 2.100000e+05 2.100000e+05
75% 14.465753 0.000000 0.000000 25.000000 1518.080000 2.000000 2.000000 0.000000 51.000000 54.000000 50.000000 1.000000 2.100000e+05 2.100000e+05
max 106.432877 9782.000000 122090.000000 66.000000 75093.840000 246.000000 246.000000 13.000000 127.000000 127.000000 127.000000 179.000000 1.454662e+10 2.227618e+11
def create_distplots(df, features):
    Shows a grid with subplots containing the distribution plots for every feature in the list.
    :param df: Pandas DataFrame containing the data.
    :param features: list or similar containing the continuous numeric features names.
    if len(features) == 1:
        plt.figure(figsize=(20, 4.3))
        sns.distplot(df[features[0]], hist_kws={"alpha":1}, kde=False)
        nrows = len(features)//2
        ncols = 2
        n_figures = len(features)-1
        if len(features) % 2 != 0:
            nrows += 1
        fig, axs = plt.subplots(nrows=nrows, ncols=ncols, figsize=(20, nrows*4.3))

        flag = 0
        while flag <= n_figures:
            for pos_row in range(nrows):
                for pos_col in range(ncols):
                    if nrows == 1:
                        ax = axs[pos_col]
                        ax = axs[pos_row, pos_col]
                    if (len(features)%2 != 0) and (pos_row == nrows-1) and (pos_col == 1):
                    sns.distplot(df[features[flag]], ax=ax, hist_kws={"alpha":1}, kde=False)
create_distplots(market_df, float_features)


Through the graphics and tables above it’s possible to infer:

Since idade_media_socios, idade_maxima_socios, idade_minima_socios represent people ages it should not have negative values. In the next code block we change the negative values to the most common values under 20, which seems like a good threshold considering the graphics.

age_features = "idade_media_socios, idade_maxima_socios, idade_minima_socios".split(", ")
for feature in age_features:
    most_common_under_20 = market_df.loc[market_df[feature] <= 20, feature].value_counts().idxmax()
    print(f"{feature} most common under 20:\n{most_common_under_20}\n")
    market_df.loc[market_df[feature] <= 0, feature] = most_common_under_20 
idade_media_socios most common under 20:

idade_maxima_socios most common under 20:

idade_minima_socios most common under 20:

2.5.2 Integer Features

market_control_df[market_control_df["type"] == "int64"]
missing missing_percentage type unique unique_percentage
qt_filiais 0 0.0 int64 304 0.0658

The code below assigns the name of integer features to the integer_features list. It also creates a table describing the feature.
It’s possible to infer that it’s distributions is right skewed (overall, means > medians), much like the float features observed.
There are no missing values in the feature.

integer_features = list(market_control_df[market_control_df["type"] == "int64"].index)

features qt_filiais
count 462298.000000
mean 28.737044
std 468.626094
min 0.000000
25% 0.000000
50% 0.000000
75% 0.000000
max 9647.000000
create_distplots(market_df, integer_features)


2.5.3 Categorical Features

market_control_df[(market_control_df["type"] == "object") | (market_control_df["type"] == "bool")]
missing missing_percentage type unique unique_percentage
fl_matriz 0 0.000 bool 2 0.0004
de_natureza_juridica 0 0.000 object 67 0.0145
sg_uf 0 0.000 object 6 0.0013
natureza_juridica_macro 0 0.000 object 7 0.0015
de_ramo 0 0.000 object 33 0.0071
setor 1927 0.417 object 5 0.0011
idade_emp_cat 0 0.000 object 6 0.0013
fl_me 0 0.000 bool 2 0.0004
fl_sa 0 0.000 bool 2 0.0004
fl_mei 0 0.000 bool 2 0.0004
fl_ltda 0 0.000 bool 2 0.0004
fl_st_especial 0 0.000 bool 2 0.0004
fl_email 0 0.000 bool 2 0.0004
fl_telefone 0 0.000 bool 2 0.0004
fl_rm 0 0.000 object 2 0.0004
nm_divisao 1927 0.417 object 87 0.0188
nm_segmento 1927 0.417 object 21 0.0045
fl_spa 1927 0.417 object 2 0.0004
fl_antt 1927 0.417 object 2 0.0004
fl_veiculo 1927 0.417 object 2 0.0004
fl_optante_simples 82713 17.892 object 2 0.0004
fl_optante_simei 82713 17.892 object 2 0.0004
sg_uf_matriz 1939 0.419 object 27 0.0058
de_saude_tributaria 14851 3.212 object 6 0.0013
de_saude_rescencia 14851 3.212 object 5 0.0011
de_nivel_atividade 11168 2.416 object 4 0.0009
fl_simples_irregular 1927 0.417 object 2 0.0004
nm_meso_regiao 58698 12.697 object 19 0.0041
nm_micro_regiao 58698 12.697 object 73 0.0158
fl_passivel_iss 1927 0.417 object 2 0.0004
de_faixa_faturamento_estimado 27513 5.951 object 12 0.0026
de_faixa_faturamento_estimado_grupo 27513 5.951 object 11 0.0024

The table above shows that some features of type object have only two unique values. Usually, this is associated with boolean features. In the next code block we take a closer look and confirm that these are all actually boolean features. Their names’ are stored in the boolean_features list, along with the features that were already of type bool, and the names of the boolean features with missing values are stored in boolean_features_with_missing.

boolean_features = list(market_control_df[
    ((market_control_df["type"] == "object") | (market_control_df["type"] == "bool"))
    & (market_control_df["unique"] == 2)].index)

boolean_features_with_missing = list(market_control_df[
    ((market_control_df["type"] == "object") | (market_control_df["type"] == "bool"))
    & (market_control_df["unique"] == 2) & (market_control_df["missing"] != 0)].index)

features fl_matriz fl_me fl_sa fl_mei fl_ltda fl_st_especial fl_email fl_telefone fl_rm fl_spa fl_antt fl_veiculo fl_optante_simples fl_optante_simei fl_simples_irregular fl_passivel_iss
count 462298 462298 462298 462298 462298 462298 462298 462298 462298 460371 460371 460371 379585 379585 460371 460371
unique 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
top True False False False False False False True NAO False False False True False False True
freq 433232 461083 453866 311398 461056 462230 256228 335468 236779 460091 457095 429687 199617 285545 460030 264741

The boolean feature fl_rm is of type object and presents the top value as “NAO” (“NO” in portuguese). We’ll transform this and the other boolean features into 0s and 1s.

temp_onehot = OneHotEncoder(drop="if_binary", sparse=False, dtype=np.float)
market_df.loc[:, "fl_rm"] = temp_onehot.fit_transform(market_df[["fl_rm"]])
market_df.loc[:, boolean_features] = market_df[boolean_features].astype(np.float)
features fl_matriz fl_me fl_sa fl_mei fl_ltda fl_st_especial fl_email fl_telefone fl_rm fl_spa fl_antt fl_veiculo fl_optante_simples fl_optante_simei fl_simples_irregular fl_passivel_iss
count 462298.000000 462298.000000 462298.000000 462298.000000 462298.000000 462298.000000 462298.000000 462298.000000 462298.000000 460371.000000 460371.000000 460371.000000 379585.000000 379585.000000 460371.000000 460371.000000
mean 0.937127 0.002628 0.018239 0.326413 0.002687 0.000147 0.445751 0.725653 0.487822 0.000608 0.007116 0.066651 0.525882 0.247744 0.000741 0.575060
std 0.242734 0.051198 0.133816 0.468901 0.051763 0.012127 0.497049 0.446185 0.499852 0.024654 0.084056 0.249416 0.499330 0.431703 0.027206 0.494334
min 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000
25% 1.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000
50% 1.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000
75% 1.000000 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000 1.000000 1.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000
max 1.000000 1.000000 1.000000 1.000000 1.000000 1.000000 1.000000 1.000000 1.000000 1.000000 1.000000 1.000000 1.000000 1.000000 1.000000 1.000000

The remaining object features are described in the table below. Their names are stored as object_features, and the object features that have missing values are assigned to object_features_with_missing.

object_features = list(market_control_df[
    (market_control_df["type"] == "object") & (market_control_df["unique"] > 2)

object_features_with_missing = list(market_control_df[
    (market_control_df["type"] == "object") & (market_control_df["unique"] > 2) & (market_control_df["missing"] != 0)].index)

count unique top freq
de_natureza_juridica 462298 67 EMPRESARIO INDIVIDUAL 295756
sg_uf 462298 6 MA 127654
natureza_juridica_macro 462298 7 OUTROS 320211
de_ramo 462298 33 COMERCIO VAREJISTA 172404
setor 460371 5 COMERCIO 211224
idade_emp_cat 462298 6 1 a 5 138580
nm_divisao 460371 87 COMERCIO VAREJISTA 172404
nm_segmento 460371 21 COMERCIO; REPARACAO DE VEICULOS AUTOMOTORES E ... 211224
sg_uf_matriz 460359 27 MA 124823
de_saude_tributaria 447447 6 VERDE 145430
de_saude_rescencia 447447 5 ACIMA DE 1 ANO 378896
de_nivel_atividade 451130 4 MEDIA 217949
nm_meso_regiao 403600 19 CENTRO AMAZONENSE 71469
nm_micro_regiao 403600 73 MANAUS 60008
de_faixa_faturamento_estimado 434785 12 DE R$ 81.000,01 A R$ 360.000,00 273861
de_faixa_faturamento_estimado_grupo 434785 11 DE R$ 81.000,01 A R$ 360.000,00 252602
def create_barplots(df, features, n_labels=None):
    Shows a grid with subplots containing barplots for every feature in the list.
    :param df: Pandas DataFrame containing the data.
    :param features: list or similar containing the categorical features names.
    :param n_labels: integer, representes number of features' labels to plot. Uses the n features with more counts in descending order.
    if len(features) == 1:
        x = df[features].value_counts().head(n_labels)
        y = x.index        
        plt.figure(figsize = (25, 4.3))
        sns.barplot(x = x, y = y)
        n_figures = len(features) - 1
        nrows = len(features)//2
        ncols = 2
        if len(features) % 2 != 0:
            nrows += 1
        fig, axs = plt.subplots(nrows=nrows, ncols=ncols, figsize=(20, nrows*4.5))
        flag = 0
        while flag <= n_figures:
            for pos_row in range(nrows):
                for pos_col in range(ncols):
                    if nrows == 1:
                        ax = axs[pos_col]
                        ax = axs[pos_row, pos_col]
                    if (len(features)%2 != 0) and (pos_row == nrows-1) and (pos_col == 1):
                    x = df[features[flag]].value_counts().head(n_labels)
                    y = x.index
                    sns.barplot(x=x, y=y, ax=ax)
create_barplots(market_df, object_features, n_labels=10)


2.6 Imputing Missing Values

Below, it can be seen through the graphic that some remaining features have at least around 35% missing values or less.

market_control_df = create_control_df(market_df)
sns.distplot(market_control_df["missing_percentage"], kde=False, bins = 40, hist_kws={"alpha":1})
plt.xlabel("percentage of missing values")


The next output shows that from the remaining 31 features with missing values, 20 are of type float64, while 11 of them are of type object. Remember that the boolean features were turned into the type float, but they should be treated as categorical.

print(f"From the {market_control_df.shape[0]} remaining features, {market_control_df[market_control_df['missing'] !=0 ].shape[0]} have missing values.")
print(f"\nTheir types are:\n{market_control_df[market_control_df['missing'] != 0]['type'].value_counts()}")
From the 47 remaining features, 31 have missing values.

Their types are:
float64    20
object     11
Name: type, dtype: int64

2.6.1 Missing Values of Numeric Features

The folowing table shows the remaining float64 features and their respective count and percentage of missing values.

market_control_df[(market_control_df["type"] == "float64")].sort_values(by="missing", ascending=False)
missing missing_percentage type unique unique_percentage
qt_socios_st_regular 154917 33.510 float64 54 0.0117
idade_minima_socios 151602 32.793 float64 113 0.0244
idade_maxima_socios 151602 32.793 float64 117 0.0253
idade_media_socios 151602 32.793 float64 1009 0.2183
empsetorcensitariofaixarendapopulacao 143829 31.112 float64 15419 3.3353
qt_socios_pj 115091 24.895 float64 12 0.0026
qt_socios_pf 115091 24.895 float64 64 0.0138
qt_socios 115091 24.895 float64 62 0.0134
fl_optante_simei 82713 17.892 float64 2 0.0004
fl_optante_simples 82713 17.892 float64 2 0.0004
nu_meses_rescencia 45276 9.794 float64 51 0.0110
vl_faturamento_estimado_grupo_aux 27513 5.951 float64 6794 1.4696
vl_faturamento_estimado_aux 27513 5.951 float64 1920 0.4153
fl_passivel_iss 1927 0.417 float64 2 0.0004
fl_simples_irregular 1927 0.417 float64 2 0.0004
vl_total_veiculos_leves_grupo 1927 0.417 float64 310 0.0671
vl_total_veiculos_pesados_grupo 1927 0.417 float64 296 0.0640
fl_veiculo 1927 0.417 float64 2 0.0004
fl_antt 1927 0.417 float64 2 0.0004
fl_spa 1927 0.417 float64 2 0.0004
idade_empresa_anos 0 0.000 float64 14198 3.0712
fl_rm 0 0.000 float64 2 0.0004
fl_telefone 0 0.000 float64 2 0.0004
fl_email 0 0.000 float64 2 0.0004
fl_st_especial 0 0.000 float64 2 0.0004
fl_ltda 0 0.000 float64 2 0.0004
fl_mei 0 0.000 float64 2 0.0004
fl_sa 0 0.000 float64 2 0.0004
fl_me 0 0.000 float64 2 0.0004
fl_matriz 0 0.000 float64 2 0.0004

The next code block presents a function to create vectors of values to impute in the features with missing values.
To estimate them, the features that do not have any missing values are used. Random Forests is used as regressor.

def impute_value_generator(df, targets, numeric_predictors, categorical_predictors, target_type="numeric", sample_size=5000):
    Create a dictionary with each target feature as key. Each feature dictionary has, in turn, keys for the values created to impute the missing values\n
from the feature, and keys for the metrics generated. It can be used for numeric or categorical targets, and the sample size can be selected to improve\n
iteration speed.
    :param df: Pandas DataFrame that contains the data from the targets and predictors.
    :param targets: list or similiar, contains the names of the features for which the values will be created and appended to the output dictionary.
    :param numeric_predictors: list or similar, contains the names of the numeric features that will be used to predict/classify the missing values. \n
The predictors shouldn't contain missing values.
    :param categorical_predictors: list or similar, contains the names of the categorical features that will be used to predict/classify the missing values. \n
The predictors shouldn't contain missing values.
    :param target_type: string, accepts the values "numeric" and "categorical". It's used to select the pipeline to be applied - regresion or classification.
    :param sample_size: integer, represents the sample size used by the function. It's used to reduce the number of observations used by the function\n
thus speeding the iterations.
    :return: A dictionary which contains keys for each target. These have, in turn, keys for the impute values and for the metrics generated.
    output = {}
    for target in targets:
        print(f"Executing iteration for {target}")
        # Sciki-learn pipeline and column transformer
        cat_pipeline = Pipeline(steps=[
            ("onehot", OneHotEncoder(handle_unknown="ignore"))

        num_pipeline = Pipeline(steps=[
            ("scaler", QuantileTransformer()) # Normalizer, QuantileTransformer

        transformer = ColumnTransformer(transformers=[
            ("categorical", cat_pipeline, categorical_predictors),
            ("numeric", num_pipeline, numeric_predictors)
        if target_type == "numeric":
            pipeline = Pipeline(steps=[
                ("transformer", transformer),
                ("regressor", RandomForestRegressor(n_jobs=-1))

        elif target_type == "categorical":            
            pipeline = Pipeline(steps=[
                ("transformer", transformer),
                ("classifier", RandomForestClassifier(n_jobs=-1))

            raise Exception("'target_type' must be either 'numeric' or 'categorical'")
        sample_features = numeric_predictors + categorical_predictors
        # Getting observations without missing values
        sample_df = df.loc[~df[target].isna(), sample_features + [target]].reset_index(drop=True)

        # Getting another sample of inferior size to speed up training. The indexes are chosen at random.
        idx = np.random.choice(len(sample_df), size=sample_size, replace=False)
        # Target and predictor assignment
        X = sample_df.drop(target, axis=1).iloc[idx]
        y = sample_df[target].iloc[idx]
        if target_type == "categorical":
            label_encoder = LabelEncoder()
            y = label_encoder.fit_transform(y)

        # Train test split
        X_train, X_test, y_train, y_test = train_test_split(X, y, test_size=0.2, random_state=0)
        # Fit the model and predict for test set, y_train)
        prediction = pipeline.predict(X_test)                
        # Create variables to impute the missing values. The length of the created vector is equal to the number of missing values in the target
        # Getting a sample from the observations where the target variable is missing
        target_missing_sample = df.loc[df[target].isna(), sample_features].reset_index(drop=True)
        impute_variables = pipeline.predict(target_missing_sample)
        # Save created values, evaluate the prediction/classification for each feature, and save metrics
        if target_type == "numeric":            
            output.update({target: {
                "impute_variables": impute_variables,
                "mean_absolute_error": mean_absolute_error(prediction, y_test).round(2),
                "root_mean_squared_error": np.sqrt(mean_squared_error(prediction, y_test)).round(2),
                "pipeline": pipeline
            print(f"Metrics:\nmean absolute error: {output[target]['mean_absolute_error']}\n\
root mean squared error: {output[target]['root_mean_squared_error']}")
        elif target_type == "categorical":
            output.update({target: {
                "impute_variables": impute_variables,
                "accuracy_score": accuracy_score(prediction, y_test).round(2),
                "f1_score": f1_score(prediction, y_test, average="weighted").round(2),
                "classification_report": classification_report(prediction, y_test, zero_division=0),
                "pipeline": pipeline,
                "label_encoder": label_encoder
            print(f"Metrics:\naccuracy: {output[target]['accuracy_score']}\n\
Weighted F1 score: {output[target]['f1_score']}")
    return output
market_df_copy = market_df.copy() # making copy to prevent messing up the original dataset too much
# defining lists with the names of features without missing values.

object_features_without_missing = [feature for feature in object_features if (feature not in object_features_with_missing)]
boolean_features_without_missing = [feature for feature in boolean_features if (feature not in boolean_features_with_missing)]
float_features_without_missing = [feature for feature in float_features if (feature not in float_features_with_missing)]
# integer_features is already defined and it doesn't containt missing values
numeric_features_without_missing = float_features_without_missing + integer_features
categorical_features_without_missing = object_features_without_missing + boolean_features_without_missing

# defining lists with the names numeric and categorical features.
numeric_features = float_features + integer_features
categorical_features = object_features + boolean_features

print(f"Numeric features without missing values:\n{numeric_features_without_missing}\n\
Categorical features without missing values:\n{categorical_features_without_missing}\n")
Numeric features without missing values:
['idade_empresa_anos', 'qt_filiais']
Categorical features without missing values:
['de_natureza_juridica', 'sg_uf', 'natureza_juridica_macro', 'de_ramo', 'idade_emp_cat', 'fl_matriz', 'fl_me', 'fl_sa', 'fl_mei', 'fl_ltda', 'fl_st_especial', 'fl_email', 'fl_telefone', 'fl_rm']

Below, the function is applied to the numeric features, and generates values to be imputed. The features used for the prediciton are the numeric and categorical features without missing values, seen above.

numeric_impute_dict = impute_value_generator(df=market_df_copy,
Executing iteration for vl_total_veiculos_pesados_grupo
mean absolute error: 1.46
root mean squared error: 21.29
Executing iteration for vl_total_veiculos_leves_grupo
mean absolute error: 8.98
root mean squared error: 343.97
Executing iteration for nu_meses_rescencia
mean absolute error: 4.33
root mean squared error: 7.66
Executing iteration for empsetorcensitariofaixarendapopulacao
mean absolute error: 688.09
root mean squared error: 1165.07
Executing iteration for qt_socios
mean absolute error: 0.18
root mean squared error: 0.76
Executing iteration for qt_socios_pf
mean absolute error: 0.19
root mean squared error: 0.96
Executing iteration for qt_socios_pj
mean absolute error: 0.03
root mean squared error: 0.21
Executing iteration for idade_media_socios
mean absolute error: 9.08
root mean squared error: 11.48
Executing iteration for idade_maxima_socios
mean absolute error: 9.55
root mean squared error: 12.1
Executing iteration for idade_minima_socios
mean absolute error: 9.11
root mean squared error: 11.59
Executing iteration for qt_socios_st_regular
mean absolute error: 0.2
root mean squared error: 1.13
Executing iteration for vl_faturamento_estimado_aux
mean absolute error: 729858.65
root mean squared error: 7255688.02
Executing iteration for vl_faturamento_estimado_grupo_aux
mean absolute error: 21135340.33
root mean squared error: 351252066.68
Wall time: 7min 54s

Next, we plot the numeric values to be imputed.

numeric_impute_df = pd.DataFrame({feature: pd.Series(numeric_impute_dict[feature]["impute_variables"]) for feature in [feature for feature in numeric_impute_dict.keys()]})

create_distplots(numeric_impute_df, numeric_impute_df.columns)


The next code block impute the missing values generated (they were created in sequence, so they’ll match the missing values’ positions), and creates yet another plot of all the float features without missing values - e.g. already imputed.

for feature in float_features_with_missing:
    market_df_copy.loc[market_df_copy[feature].isna(), feature] = numeric_impute_dict[feature]["impute_variables"]
create_distplots(market_df_copy, float_features)


The float features distributions with imputed missing values are now behaving simmilarly to the original distributions. The table below shows that there are no missing values among the float64 features.

market_control_df = create_control_df(market_df_copy)
market_control_df.loc[float_features, :]
missing missing_percentage type unique unique_percentage
idade_empresa_anos 0 0.0 float64 14198 3.0712
vl_total_veiculos_pesados_grupo 0 0.0 float64 367 0.0794
vl_total_veiculos_leves_grupo 0 0.0 float64 451 0.0976
nu_meses_rescencia 0 0.0 float64 1362 0.2946
empsetorcensitariofaixarendapopulacao 0 0.0 float64 128572 27.8115
qt_socios 0 0.0 float64 489 0.1058
qt_socios_pf 0 0.0 float64 567 0.1226
qt_socios_pj 0 0.0 float64 102 0.0221
idade_media_socios 0 0.0 float64 54658 11.8231
idade_maxima_socios 0 0.0 float64 19382 4.1925
idade_minima_socios 0 0.0 float64 20598 4.4556
qt_socios_st_regular 0 0.0 float64 591 0.1278
vl_faturamento_estimado_aux 0 0.0 float64 6527 1.4119
vl_faturamento_estimado_grupo_aux 0 0.0 float64 13452 2.9098

2.6.2 Missing Values of Categorical Features

The following code blocks presents the remaining categorical features (of type object and bool), and their respective count and percentage of missing values.

pd.concat([market_control_df.loc[object_features], market_df[object_features].describe().T[["count", "top", "freq"]]], axis=1).sort_values(by="missing", ascending=False)
missing missing_percentage type unique unique_percentage count top freq
nm_meso_regiao 58698 12.697 object 19 0.0041 403600 CENTRO AMAZONENSE 71469
nm_micro_regiao 58698 12.697 object 73 0.0158 403600 MANAUS 60008
de_faixa_faturamento_estimado 27513 5.951 object 12 0.0026 434785 DE R$ 81.000,01 A R$ 360.000,00 273861
de_faixa_faturamento_estimado_grupo 27513 5.951 object 11 0.0024 434785 DE R$ 81.000,01 A R$ 360.000,00 252602
de_saude_tributaria 14851 3.212 object 6 0.0013 447447 VERDE 145430
de_saude_rescencia 14851 3.212 object 5 0.0011 447447 ACIMA DE 1 ANO 378896
de_nivel_atividade 11168 2.416 object 4 0.0009 451130 MEDIA 217949
sg_uf_matriz 1939 0.419 object 27 0.0058 460359 MA 124823
setor 1927 0.417 object 5 0.0011 460371 COMERCIO 211224
nm_divisao 1927 0.417 object 87 0.0188 460371 COMERCIO VAREJISTA 172404
nm_segmento 1927 0.417 object 21 0.0045 460371 COMERCIO; REPARACAO DE VEICULOS AUTOMOTORES E ... 211224
de_natureza_juridica 0 0.000 object 67 0.0145 462298 EMPRESARIO INDIVIDUAL 295756
sg_uf 0 0.000 object 6 0.0013 462298 MA 127654
natureza_juridica_macro 0 0.000 object 7 0.0015 462298 OUTROS 320211
de_ramo 0 0.000 object 33 0.0071 462298 COMERCIO VAREJISTA 172404
idade_emp_cat 0 0.000 object 6 0.0013 462298 1 a 5 138580
market_control_df.loc[boolean_features].sort_values(by="missing", ascending=False)
missing missing_percentage type unique unique_percentage
fl_optante_simples 82713 17.892 float64 2 0.0004
fl_optante_simei 82713 17.892 float64 2 0.0004
fl_spa 1927 0.417 float64 2 0.0004
fl_antt 1927 0.417 float64 2 0.0004
fl_veiculo 1927 0.417 float64 2 0.0004
fl_simples_irregular 1927 0.417 float64 2 0.0004
fl_passivel_iss 1927 0.417 float64 2 0.0004
fl_matriz 0 0.000 float64 2 0.0004
fl_me 0 0.000 float64 2 0.0004
fl_sa 0 0.000 float64 2 0.0004
fl_mei 0 0.000 float64 2 0.0004
fl_ltda 0 0.000 float64 2 0.0004
fl_st_especial 0 0.000 float64 2 0.0004
fl_email 0 0.000 float64 2 0.0004
fl_telefone 0 0.000 float64 2 0.0004
fl_rm 0 0.000 float64 2 0.0004

Simmilarly to the imputation done to fhe numeric features, we’ll use random forests to classify the missing values. As predictors, this time we’ll use all the numeric features, in which values have been imputed, and the categorical features without missing values.

categorical_features_with_missing = object_features_with_missing + boolean_features_with_missing
print(f"Categorical features with missing values:\n{categorical_features_with_missing}")
Categorical features with missing values:
['setor', 'nm_divisao', 'nm_segmento', 'sg_uf_matriz', 'de_saude_tributaria', 'de_saude_rescencia', 'de_nivel_atividade', 'nm_meso_regiao', 'nm_micro_regiao', 'de_faixa_faturamento_estimado', 'de_faixa_faturamento_estimado_grupo', 'fl_spa', 'fl_antt', 'fl_veiculo', 'fl_optante_simples', 'fl_optante_simei', 'fl_simples_irregular', 'fl_passivel_iss']
categorical_impute_dict = impute_value_generator(df=market_df_copy,
Executing iteration for setor
accuracy: 0.99
Weighted F1 score: 0.99
Executing iteration for nm_divisao
accuracy: 0.87
Weighted F1 score: 0.89
Executing iteration for nm_segmento
accuracy: 1.0
Weighted F1 score: 1.0
Executing iteration for sg_uf_matriz
accuracy: 0.99
Weighted F1 score: 0.99
Executing iteration for de_saude_tributaria
accuracy: 0.64
Weighted F1 score: 0.64
Executing iteration for de_saude_rescencia
accuracy: 1.0
Weighted F1 score: 1.0
Executing iteration for de_nivel_atividade
accuracy: 0.73
Weighted F1 score: 0.74
Executing iteration for nm_meso_regiao
accuracy: 0.69
Weighted F1 score: 0.71
Executing iteration for nm_micro_regiao
accuracy: 0.56
Weighted F1 score: 0.6
Executing iteration for de_faixa_faturamento_estimado
accuracy: 0.99
Weighted F1 score: 0.99
Executing iteration for de_faixa_faturamento_estimado_grupo
accuracy: 0.99
Weighted F1 score: 0.99
Executing iteration for fl_spa
accuracy: 1.0
Weighted F1 score: 1.0
Executing iteration for fl_antt
accuracy: 0.99
Weighted F1 score: 1.0
Executing iteration for fl_veiculo
accuracy: 0.99
Weighted F1 score: 0.99
Executing iteration for fl_optante_simples
accuracy: 0.81
Weighted F1 score: 0.81
Executing iteration for fl_optante_simei
accuracy: 1.0
Weighted F1 score: 1.0
Executing iteration for fl_simples_irregular
accuracy: 1.0
Weighted F1 score: 1.0
Executing iteration for fl_passivel_iss
accuracy: 0.88
Weighted F1 score: 0.88
Wall time: 2min 42s

Next, the categorical features with missing values are imputed and countplots are generated.

for feature in categorical_features_with_missing:
    # Re-transforming the predicted classes from numbers to labels.
    _to_impute = categorical_impute_dict[feature]["label_encoder"].inverse_transform(categorical_impute_dict[feature]["impute_variables"])
    market_df_copy.loc[market_df_copy[feature].isna(), feature] = _to_impute
create_barplots(market_df_copy, object_features, n_labels=10)


The result printed next shows that there are no more missing values in our dataset.

print(f"The percentage of missing values in the market dataset is {round(100*(market_df_copy.isna().sum().sum() / market_df_copy.size))} %")
The percentage of missing values in the market dataset is 0 %

2.7 Feature Selection

In the next step we try to reduce our feature space by using a feature selection technique that can deal with sparse matrices.

def truncated_SVD_selector(df, numeric_features, categorical_features, n_components=250, evr=None):
    Feature selection by the use of truncatedSVD.
    :param df: Pandas DataFrame with the data for the feature selection to be applied.
    :param numeric_features: list, must contain names of the numeric features in the dataset.
    :param categorical_features: list, must contain names of the categorical features in the dataset.
    :param n_components: integer, number of principal components.
    :return: array containing the number of features defined with n_components and the pipeline used to process the features.
    # Sciki-learn pipeline and column transformer
    cat_pipeline = Pipeline(steps=[
        ("onehot", OneHotEncoder(drop="first", dtype=np.int32))

    num_pipeline = Pipeline(steps=[
        ("scaler", Normalizer())
    transformer = ColumnTransformer(transformers=[
        ("categorical", cat_pipeline, categorical_features),
        ("numeric", num_pipeline, numeric_features)
    pipeline = Pipeline(steps=[
        ("transformer", transformer),
        ("feature_selection", TruncatedSVD(n_components=n_components, algorithm="arpack", random_state=0))
    processed_df = pipeline.fit_transform(df)
    if not evr:
        return processed_df, pipeline
        explained_variance_ratio = np.cumsum(pipeline.get_params()["feature_selection"].explained_variance_ratio_)
        n_PCs = explained_variance_ratio[(explained_variance_ratio <= evr)].argmax()
        return processed_df[:, 0:n_PCs], pipeline        

def evr_plot(pipeline):
    Plot cumulative explained variance ratio for the feature selection algorithm used in the pipeline. To be used in conjunction with the output pipeline of\n
the function "truncated_SVD_selector".
    :param pipeline: output of the function "truncated_SVD_selector", scikit-learn pipeline with a step called "feature_selection", which contains the\n
feature selection algorithm.
    explained_variance_ratio = pipeline.get_params()["feature_selection"].explained_variance_ratio_
    g = sns.lineplot(np.arange(len(explained_variance_ratio)), np.cumsum(explained_variance_ratio))
    g.axes.axhline(0.995, ls="--", color="red")
    plt.xlabel('Number of components')
    plt.ylabel('Cumulative explained variance');  
array_df_final, feature_selection_pipeline = truncated_SVD_selector(df=market_df_copy,
Wall time: 26.5 s

It’s possible to see through the plot below the approximate number of components to obtain 99.5% explained variance ratio - observe that the function encodes categorical features with one hot encoder thus the feature space is way bigger (contains around 430 features, as denoted below) than the previously treated dataframe, which contained 47 features.
The feature selection function is called with the paramater evr set to 0.995 so that the resulting matrix has the number of components required to match this percentage of explained variance.

market_control_df = create_control_df(market_df_copy)
unique_classes = market_control_df.loc[categorical_features, "unique"].sum()
estimated_max_components = unique_classes + len(numeric_features)
print(f"Dimension of the dataframe without missing values: {market_df_copy.shape}")
print(f"The estimated max number of components is {estimated_max_components}")
print(f"Dimension of the processed market dataset: {array_df_final.shape}")
Dimension of the dataframe without missing values: (462298, 47)
The estimated max number of components is 436
Dimension of the processed market dataset: (462298, 190)


go back to top

3 Algorithm Evaluation and Overview of Steps to be Taken

3.1 Types of Recommender Systems

A type of algorithm known as Recommender System is the first thing that comes to mind considering the problem at hand: to provide an automated service that recommends new business leads to a user given his current clients portfolio. There’s many different approaches to create a Recommender System, which depend on the original data format and size.
The main approaches are:

3.2 Selected Approach and Steps

That said, after experimentation, research and input from felow students and the community, For this project, a Content Based Filtering Recommender System based in Logistic Regression is going to be used. It’s not quite a recommender system per se (at least not like the ones I found), e.g. it does not uses technologies as TF-IDF, Matrix Factorization, similarity comparison through euclidean/cosine distances, but it does recommend leads!
The steps taken, overall, are:

It can be argued that it’s a matter of adapting the dataset so that we obtain the required format required by each approach. That said, to the problem and dataset at hand:

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4 Model Training

4.1 Load Portfolio Data

portfolio1 = pd.read_csv('../data/estaticos_portfolio1.csv', usecols=["id"])
portfolio2 = pd.read_csv('../data/estaticos_portfolio2.csv', usecols=["id"])
portfolio3 = pd.read_csv('../data/estaticos_portfolio3.csv', usecols=["id"])

Checking if the clients ID’s from the portfolios are in the main database.

def check_portfolio_info(database, portfolio):
    Check if the database contains the portfolios' IDs.
    The portfolio and database must contain `id` as a feature.
    :param database: Pandas DataFrame, contains all the companies' IDs as feature `id`.
    :param portfolio: Pandas DataFrame, contains only the portfolio clients' IDs as feature `id`.
    print(f"Database size: {database.shape[0]}")
    print(f"Portfolio size: {portfolio.shape[0]}")

    # Test - check if database contains portfolios' IDs
    assert np.all(portfolio["id"].isin(database["id"])), "Test 1: NOT OK - Not all the portfolios' ids are in the database"
    print("Test: OK - All the portfolios' ids are in the database\n")
for portfolio, number in zip([portfolio1, portfolio2, portfolio3], range(1,4)):
    print(f"\nTesting Portfolio {number}\n")
    check_portfolio_info(IDs, portfolio)
Testing Portfolio 1

Database size: 462298
Portfolio size: 555
Test: OK - All the portfolios' ids are in the database


Testing Portfolio 2

Database size: 462298
Portfolio size: 566
Test: OK - All the portfolios' ids are in the database


Testing Portfolio 3

Database size: 462298
Portfolio size: 265
Test: OK - All the portfolios' ids are in the database


4.2 “Companies Profile” Table / Principal Components DataFrame

Below, we’re getting all companies IDs and principal components in a dataframe.

columns_names = []
for PC in range(1, array_df_final.shape[1]+1):
    columns_names.append("PC_" + str(PC))
companies_profile = pd.DataFrame(array_df_final, columns=columns_names, index=IDs["id"])

print(f"Dimension of companies profile table: {companies_profile.shape}")
Dimension of companies profile table: (462298, 190)
PC_1 PC_2 PC_3 PC_4 PC_5 PC_6 PC_7 PC_8 PC_9 PC_10 ... PC_181 PC_182 PC_183 PC_184 PC_185 PC_186 PC_187 PC_188 PC_189 PC_190
a6984c3ae395090e3bee8ad63c3758b110de096d5d819583a784a113726db849 2.292665 0.967004 0.524173 1.784401 1.242783 -1.239186 -0.735621 -0.439312 0.672232 -0.426301 ... -0.001614 0.006139 0.002382 -0.000965 -0.000749 0.004624 0.000812 -0.001456 -0.001636 -0.000758
6178f41ade1365e44bc2c46654c2c8c0eaae27dcb476c47fdef50b33f4f56f05 3.336731 1.045422 0.566630 -0.524458 -1.266166 -0.367399 0.289703 0.850979 1.898394 0.024087 ... 0.001079 -0.000793 0.002951 0.001739 -0.001068 0.001770 -0.000971 0.001262 -0.000861 0.001222
4a7e5069a397f12fdd7fd57111d6dc5d3ba558958efc02edc5147bc2a2535b08 3.108096 0.390482 1.935537 0.698707 -0.489345 1.753825 0.001656 0.009493 -0.459895 -0.445723 ... 0.004685 -0.007768 -0.000862 -0.004139 0.000505 -0.005168 0.003042 0.003073 0.002088 0.001613
3348900fe63216a439d2e5238c79ddd46ede454df7b9d8c24ac33eb21d4b21ef 3.385046 1.455910 0.207190 0.563407 -1.110875 1.221657 -0.056992 0.037638 -0.613693 0.259963 ... 0.000043 0.001319 -0.003288 0.000750 0.000983 -0.005605 -0.006377 0.002499 -0.000603 0.000628
1f9bcabc9d3173c1fe769899e4fac14b053037b953a1e4b102c769f7611ab29f 3.179317 1.101441 0.609660 0.723841 -0.437394 -1.381790 -0.780493 0.073937 -0.232520 -0.133044 ... -0.002587 0.003825 0.004799 -0.001196 -0.001686 -0.005309 0.000535 -0.000913 0.002159 0.003171

5 rows × 190 columns

We’ll save the companies profile table with the principal components in a .zip file to use it later in the webapp. We’re using float as “float16”, which implies loosing some information, but it is needed so that the webapp can be deployed later.

# %%time
# split_size = 8
# for idx, df_i in enumerate(np.array_split(companies_profile, split_size)):
#     df_i.to_csv(path_or_buf=f"../output/companies_profile_{idx}.bz2", float_format=np.float16, compression="bz2")
Wall time: 1min 20s

4.3 Clustering Companies with MiniBatchKMeans

Next, we’re clustering the companies based on their features to reduce the number of companies we use to train the model upon each iteration and improve classifications. We set a minimum limit to the reduction in heterogeneity for increases in the number of clusters.
The KMeans algorithm divides the companies (see companies_profile above) in three clusters.

def find_cluster(df, n_features=1, sse_limit=0.05, flag_start=2):
    Use MiniBatchKMeans to find clusters in the dataset. It compares two groupings at each iterations, if\
 reduction in heterogeneity is inferior to threshold, return fitted algorithm.
    :param df: Pandas DataFrame to find clusters on.
    :param n_features: integer, number of features to be used from the dataframe.
    :param sse_limit: float, limit to the reduction in heterogeneity
    :param flag_start: integer, minimum number of clusters to start the comparisons.
    :return: fitted MiniBatchKMeans object and pandas series with cluster labels.
    #build two kmeans models starting with 2 and 3 clusters and repeat until dss < sse_limit  
    flag = flag_start
    kmeans1 = MiniBatchKMeans(n_clusters=flag, random_state=0)
    if n_features == 1:[:, 0].values.reshape(-1, 1))
    else:[:, 0:n_features].values)
    while True:
        flag += 1
        kmeans2 = MiniBatchKMeans(n_clusters=flag, random_state=0)
        if n_features == 1:
  [:, 0].values.reshape(-1, 1))  
  [:, 0:n_features].values) 
        #decision criterion - additional cluster should reduce heterogeneity to not less than sse_limit
        dss = (kmeans1.inertia_ - kmeans2.inertia_)/kmeans1.inertia_
        print(f"From {flag-1} to {flag} clusters -> Reduction in heterogeneity: {dss}")
        if dss < sse_limit:
        kmeans1 = kmeans2
    return kmeans1, pd.Series(kmeans1.labels_, name="cluster")
kmeans, cluster_labels = find_cluster(companies_profile, n_features=5, sse_limit=0.2, flag_start=1) # fitted kmeans and cluster labels, turn to pd.Series
From 1 to 2 clusters -> Reduction in heterogeneity: 0.2980609344696506
From 2 to 3 clusters -> Reduction in heterogeneity: 0.259998847972185
From 3 to 4 clusters -> Reduction in heterogeneity: 0.1581394378991338
Wall time: 52.6 s
Parser   : 393 ms

We’ll save the cluster labels vector in a .zip file to use it later in the webapp.

# %%time
# compression_opts = dict(method="zip", archive_name="cluster_labels.csv")
# cluster_labels.to_csv(path_or_buf="../output/", compression=compression_opts)
Wall time: 4.28 s
Parser   : 442 ms

4.4 Functions to Create Rating table and to Train Logistic Regression by Cluster

Now, some functions are defined and used to train the model by cluster:

def create_rating_df(portfolio, companies_profile, cluster_labels):
    Create rating dataframe - a dataframe with columns:
    - id: the id of the company
    - client: if the company is a client (present) on the porfolio
    - cluster: to which cluster the company belongs
    :param portfolio: pandas dataframe with column "id", portfolio with client companies ids.
    :param companies_profile: pandas dataframe with all companies ids as index and companies features.
    :param cluster_labels: pandas series, has cluster labels obtained through KMeans.
    :return: pandas dataframe with columns cited above.
    rating_df = companies_profile.reset_index()["id"] # get all IDs
    portfolio_flag = rating_df.isin(portfolio["id"]) # True means it is a client = "client"
    rating_df = pd.concat([rating_df, portfolio_flag, cluster_labels], axis=1) # concatenate IDs, client flag and cluster labels
    return rating_df
create_rating_df(portfolio=portfolio2, companies_profile=companies_profile, cluster_labels=cluster_labels).head()
id client cluster
0 a6984c3ae395090e3bee8ad63c3758b110de096d5d8195... False 1
1 6178f41ade1365e44bc2c46654c2c8c0eaae27dcb476c4... False 1
2 4a7e5069a397f12fdd7fd57111d6dc5d3ba558958efc02... False 0
3 3348900fe63216a439d2e5238c79ddd46ede454df7b9d8... False 1
4 1f9bcabc9d3173c1fe769899e4fac14b053037b953a1e4... False 1
def get_cluster_target_df(rating_df, cluster, companies_profile):
    Returns a pandas dataframe with all companies present in the cluster and a pandas series that represents if the company is a client.
    :param rating_df: pandas dataframe, output of function create_rating_df contains the columns id, client and cluster.
    :param cluster: integer, cluster from which dataframe will be constructed.
    :param companies_profile: pandas dataframe with all companies ids as index and companies features.
    :return: pos 0, pandas dataframe with all companies present in the cluster. pos 1, pandas series that represents if the company is a client.
    condition = rating_df["cluster"] == cluster # means that we're accessing the right cluster        
    cluster_ids = rating_df[(condition)]["id"] # gets ids from all companies in the cluster
    cluster_df = companies_profile.loc[cluster_ids, :] # get features from all companies in the cluster
    target = rating_df.loc[condition, "client"] # get target for cluster - True means it is a client
    return cluster_df, target
def train_classifiers(portfolio, companies_profile, cluster_labels):
    Train logistic regression classifier for each cluster present in the companies dataframe.\
    Predictor is a dataframe with all companies features' for each cluster, target is Pandas Series with boolean values indicating if company is client.
    Does train test split, SMOTE oversampling, logistic regression training for each cluster.
    :param portfolio: pandas dataframe with column "id", portfolio with client companies ids.
    :param companies_profile: pandas dataframe with all companies ids as index and companies features.
    :param cluster_labels: pandas series, has cluster labels obtained through KMeans.
    :return: dictionary, contains keys:
            -"client_flag": 1 if cluster has no clients, 0 if has. The following keys are present in the second case.
            -"classifier": trained logistic regression object.
            -"metrics": dictionary, contains keys:
                -"accuracy": accuracy score
                -"precision": precision score
                -"recall": recall score
                -"f1_score": f1 score
                -"roc_auc": area under the curve
    rating_df = create_rating_df(portfolio=portfolio, companies_profile=companies_profile, cluster_labels=cluster_labels)
    n_clusters = cluster_labels.nunique()
    _train_output = {}
    for cluster in range(n_clusters):
        print(f"- Veryfing Cluster {cluster} -\n")
        cluster_df, y = get_cluster_target_df(rating_df, cluster, companies_profile)

        print(f"Cluster size: {cluster_df.shape[0]}\nClients in cluster: {y.sum()}\nClients per cluster ratio: {round(100*(y.sum()/cluster_df.shape[0]), 3)} % \n")

        if y.sum() != 0:
            client_flag = 0
            print("Applying train test split . . .")
            X_train, X_test, y_train, y_test = train_test_split(cluster_df, y, test_size=0.3, stratify=y, random_state=0)
            print("Applying SMOTE oversampling . . .")
            X_train, y_train = SMOTE(random_state=0, n_jobs=-1).fit_resample(X_train, y_train)
            print("Training Logistic Regression . . .")
            classifier = LogisticRegression(solver="saga", max_iter=1000, random_state=0, n_jobs=-1, class_weight="balanced")
  , y_train)
            print("Making predictions and saving metrics . . .")
            prediction = classifier.predict(X_test)
            _train_output.update({cluster: {"client_flag": client_flag,
                                            "classifier": classifier,
                                            "metrics": {"accuracy": accuracy_score(y_test, prediction),
                                                        "precision": precision_score(y_test, prediction),
                                                        "recall": recall_score(y_test, prediction),
                                                        "f1_score": f1_score(y_test, prediction),
                                                        "roc_auc": roc_auc_score(y_test, prediction)}
            print("Cluster has no clients, saving {'client_flag': 1} in the output dictionary.")
            client_flag = 1
            _train_output.update({cluster: {"client_flag": client_flag}})


    return _train_output

4.5 Logistic Regression Training

The logistic regression will be trained and evaluated for Portfolio 2.

train_output = train_classifiers(portfolio=portfolio2, companies_profile=companies_profile, cluster_labels=cluster_labels)
- Veryfing Cluster 0 -

Cluster size: 97296
Clients in cluster: 0
Clients per cluster ratio: 0.0 % 


Cluster has no clients, saving {'client_flag': 1} in the output dictionary.

- Veryfing Cluster 1 -

Cluster size: 201620
Clients in cluster: 478
Clients per cluster ratio: 0.237 % 


Applying train test split . . .
Applying SMOTE oversampling . . .
Training Logistic Regression . . .
Making predictions and saving metrics . . .

- Veryfing Cluster 2 -

Cluster size: 163382
Clients in cluster: 88
Clients per cluster ratio: 0.054 % 


Applying train test split . . .
Applying SMOTE oversampling . . .
Training Logistic Regression . . .
Making predictions and saving metrics . . .

Wall time: 4min 21s

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5 Model Performance

5.1 Logistic Regression Metrics

Let us analyse the metrics for the logistic regression classification in each cluster.

metrics_df = pd.DataFrame()
for cluster in train_output.keys():
    if train_output[cluster]["client_flag"] == 0:
        temp_metric = pd.Series(train_output[cluster]["metrics"], name="cluster_"+str(cluster))
        metrics_df = pd.concat([metrics_df, temp_metric], axis=1)
cluster_1 cluster_2
accuracy 0.996512 0.999143
precision 0.403409 0.375000
recall 0.993007 0.923077
f1_score 0.573737 0.533333
roc_auc 0.994763 0.961130

We’ve seen in the output of the training (section 4.5 above) that the ratio of clients in each cluster was very low, that’s why we used SMOTE to address the issue of imbalanced classes. That said:

5.2 Functions to Make Recommendations

Next, the functions recommend and train_recommend are defined.

def recommend(portfolio, companies_profile, cluster_labels, train_output, total_recs=10, remove_portfolio_ids=False):
    Makes "total_recs" recommendations. Recommendations are made for each cluster proportional to the number of clients in them. \
    Recommendations are sorted in descending order by their predicted probabilities.
    :param portfolio: pandas dataframe with column "id", portfolio with client companies ids.
    :param companies_profile: pandas dataframe with all companies ids as index and companies features.
    :param cluster_labels: pandas series, has cluster labels obtained through KMeans.
    :param train_ouput: dictionary, contains keys:
            -"client_flag": 1 if cluster has no clients, 0 if has. The following keys are present in the second case.
            -"classifier": trained logistic regression object.
            -"metrics": dictionary, contains keys:
                -"accuracy": accuracy score
                -"precision": precision score
                -"recall": recall score
                -"f1_score": f1 score
                -"roc_auc": area under the curve
    :param total_recs: integer, number of recommendations to be made.
    :param remove_portfolio_ids: boolean, when False IDs from client companies are mantained in the dataset from which recommendations are made. \
    When True, IDs from client companies are removed.
    :return: pandas dataframe, contains IDs and predicted probability of recommended clients for portfolio.
    rating_df = create_rating_df(portfolio=portfolio, companies_profile=companies_profile, cluster_labels=cluster_labels)
    n_clients = rating_df["client"].sum() # total number of clients
    recs_ratio = (rating_df.groupby("cluster").sum() / n_clients) # ratio of recommendations per cluster
    recs_per_cluster = round(recs_ratio * total_recs, 0) # number of recommendations per cluster
    n_clusters = cluster_labels.nunique() # number of clusters
    _train_output = train_output # dict output of the training function
    all_recommendations = pd.DataFrame() 
    for cluster in range(n_clusters):
        if _train_output[cluster]["client_flag"] == 0:
            n_recs = int(recs_per_cluster.iloc[cluster, 0]) # number of recomendations for the cluster in the iteration
            print(f"- Adding {n_recs} recomendations from cluster {cluster} -\n")
            if remove_portfolio_ids:
                cluster_df, _ = get_cluster_target_df(rating_df[~rating_df["client"]], cluster, companies_profile)
                cluster_df, _ = get_cluster_target_df(rating_df, cluster, companies_profile)                

            _proba = pd.Series(train_output[cluster]["classifier"].predict_log_proba(cluster_df)[:, 1]).sort_values(ascending=False,
                                                                                                                kind="mergesort") # get sorted probabilities
            _proba_idx = _proba[0:n_recs].index # get indexes for "n_recs" higher probabilities, they map to the companies in the cluster
            _cluster_recs = pd.Series(cluster_df.iloc[_proba_idx, 0].index) # get sorted ids by probability of being client

            _cluster_recs = pd.concat([_cluster_recs, _proba[0:n_recs].reset_index(drop=True)], axis=1, ignore_index=True)
            _cluster_recs.columns = ["id", "proba"]

            all_recommendations = pd.concat([all_recommendations, _cluster_recs], axis=0, ignore_index=True).sort_values(by="proba",
            print(f"- Cluster {cluster} has no clients -\n")

    return all_recommendations
def train_recommend(portfolio,
    Calls function 'train_classifiers' - Trains logistic regression models for each cluster based on clients portfolio and complete companies datased. \
    Calls function 'recommend' - Then, utilizes the trained models to recommend leads.
    :param portfolio: pandas dataframe with column "id", portfolio with client companies ids.
    :param companies_profile: pandas dataframe with all companies ids as index and companies features.
    :param cluster_labels: pandas series, has cluster labels obtained through KMeans.
    :param total_recs: integer, number of recommendations to be made.
    :param remove_portfolio_ids: boolean, when False IDs from client companies are mantained in the dataset from which recommendations are made. \
    When True, IDs from client companies are removed.
    :return: pandas dataframe, contains IDs and predicted probability of recommended clients for portfolio.

    print("\ntrain_recommend -> training . . .\n")
    train_output = train_classifiers(portfolio=portfolio,
    print("\ntrain_recommend -> recommending . . .\n")
    recommendations = recommend(portfolio=portfolio,
    return recommendations

5.3 Evaluating Recommendations

Below, the function recommend is obtaining recommendations for portfolio 2 (the logistic models have already been trained). We did not remove the companies that are already clients (e.g., the ones present in the portfolio 2) so we can evaluate the recommendations with the MAP@K metric. A nice implementation of the metric is in this package.
As cited in the first link:

“AP (average precision) rewards you for giving correct recommendations […] AP rewards you for front-loading the recommendations that are most likely to be correct […] These two features are what makes AP a useful metric when your algorithm is returning a ranked ordering of items where each item is either correct or incorrect, and items further down in the list are less likely to be used.”

portfolio2_recommendations = recommend(portfolio2, companies_profile, cluster_labels, train_output, total_recs=1000)["id"]
- Cluster 0 has no clients -


- Adding 845 recomendations from cluster 1 -


- Adding 155 recomendations from cluster 2 -


Now, we’re getting the IDs of companies that are already clients to assess our recommendations.

rating_df = create_rating_df(portfolio2, companies_profile, cluster_labels)
already_clients = rating_df[rating_df["client"]]["id"]

Finally, we’re calculating MAP@K to verify the Mean Average Precision for k = 5, 10, 25, 50 by comparing the list with companies that are already clients to our ordered recommendations!

ks = [5, 10, 25, 50]
mapk_dict = {}
mapk_df = pd.DataFrame()
for k, name in zip(ks, ["MAP_5", "MAP_10", "MAP_25", "MAP_50"]):
    mapk_dict[name] = mapk([list(already_clients)], [list(portfolio2_recommendations)], k=k)
mapk_df = pd.concat([mapk_df, pd.DataFrame(mapk_dict, index=["portfolio2"])], axis=0)
MAP_5 MAP_10 MAP_25 MAP_50
portfolio2 0.543333 0.707103 0.596837 0.5175

5.3.1 Notes on Results

mapk([["banana", "apple", "strawberry", "watermelon", "pear"]], [["grapes", "banana", "apple", "pear", "watermelon"]], k=5)
rec_isin_client = [client in list(already_clients) for client in list(portfolio2_recommendations)]
print(f"For the ten first recommendations, are they of interest (e.g. already clients)?\n\n\
Ordered recommendations : {rec_isin_client[0:10]}\n")
For the ten first recommendations, are they of interest (e.g. already clients)?

Ordered recommendations : [False, True, True, True, True, True, True, True, True, True]
print(f"For the 25 first recommendations, how many were already clients?\n\n\
{sum(rec_isin_client[0:25])} <-> \
For the 25 first recommendations, how many were already clients?

19 <-> 76.0%
print(f"And for the 50 first recommendations?\n\n\
{sum(rec_isin_client[0:50])} <-> \
And for the 50 first recommendations?

34 <-> 68.0%

With these results, it’s possible to say we’re recommeding good Leads at the beggining of the list, mainly for the top 5, 10 and 25 recommendations, while there were a significant number of interesting recommendations among the first 50 as well!

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6 New Recommendations

6.1 Making New Recommendations for Portfolio 2

Below, we’ll get new recommendations for portfolio 2 and visualize it’s features.

new_portfolio2_recommendations = recommend(portfolio2,
- Cluster 0 has no clients -


- Adding 1689 recomendations from cluster 1 -


- Adding 311 recomendations from cluster 2 -


Wall time: 1.2 s

6.2 Visualizing Clients / New Leads for Portfolio 2

We’ll get the original dataset and our new recommendations dataset and compare their descriptions.

market_df_copy = pd.concat([IDs, market_df_copy], axis=1).set_index("id")

recommended_dataset = market_df_copy.loc[new_portfolio2_recommendations, :]

The numeric features of the LEADS recommendations for the portfolio 2 are different from the whole dataset!

This may infer that the owner of portfolio 2 prefers big clients, which are older companies, with more resources and income!

idade_empresa_anos vl_total_veiculos_pesados_grupo vl_total_veiculos_leves_grupo nu_meses_rescencia empsetorcensitariofaixarendapopulacao qt_socios qt_socios_pf qt_socios_pj idade_media_socios idade_maxima_socios idade_minima_socios qt_socios_st_regular vl_faturamento_estimado_aux vl_faturamento_estimado_grupo_aux qt_filiais
count 2000.000000 2000.000000 2000.000000 2000.000000 2000.000000 2000.000000 2000.000000 2000.000000 2000.000000 2000.000000 2000.000000 2000.000000 2.000000e+03 2.000000e+03 2000.000000
mean 24.386927 19.410350 60.615225 25.240005 1739.907460 2.536660 2.454808 0.103955 53.242206 57.962877 49.698961 2.106748 5.647384e+07 7.429657e+08 29.789500
std 11.965681 140.625946 608.023122 7.232288 1369.989293 5.733271 5.699387 0.426434 11.382548 12.576374 13.664202 4.077278 4.250490e+08 8.217403e+09 436.620362
min 0.720548 0.000000 0.000000 7.000000 180.000000 1.000000 1.000000 0.000000 4.000000 4.000000 4.000000 1.000000 4.121280e+04 4.121280e+04 0.000000
25% 15.630822 0.000000 0.000000 23.000000 858.622500 1.000000 1.000000 0.000000 46.000000 50.132500 39.950000 1.000000 3.090960e+06 3.761044e+06 0.000000
50% 22.450685 0.000000 2.000000 23.000000 1327.311800 2.000000 2.000000 0.000000 53.144000 58.000000 50.000000 1.475000 1.354871e+07 1.664164e+07 0.000000
75% 32.151370 4.000000 7.000000 24.000000 2164.882500 2.342500 2.000000 0.000000 60.518208 66.000000 58.120000 2.000000 3.354979e+07 5.194304e+07 2.000000
max 80.638356 2693.000000 11448.000000 54.000000 12512.930000 142.000000 141.000000 5.000000 87.500000 109.000000 87.000000 96.000000 1.454662e+10 1.894301e+11 9647.000000
idade_empresa_anos vl_total_veiculos_pesados_grupo vl_total_veiculos_leves_grupo nu_meses_rescencia empsetorcensitariofaixarendapopulacao qt_socios qt_socios_pf qt_socios_pj idade_media_socios idade_maxima_socios idade_minima_socios qt_socios_st_regular vl_faturamento_estimado_aux vl_faturamento_estimado_grupo_aux qt_filiais
count 462298.000000 462298.00000 462298.000000 462298.000000 462298.000000 462298.000000 462298.000000 462298.000000 462298.000000 462298.000000 462298.000000 462298.000000 4.622980e+05 4.622980e+05 462298.000000
mean 9.948677 3.57896 48.501422 23.360194 1323.083563 1.401176 1.384898 0.015329 44.118891 45.401475 43.001010 1.299342 7.720798e+05 3.170094e+08 28.737044
std 9.615664 72.45107 1204.185007 10.554614 1054.420188 2.850068 2.835699 0.170175 11.869984 12.955883 11.885183 2.119500 3.006567e+07 6.900437e+09 468.626094
min 0.016438 0.00000 0.000000 0.000000 100.000000 1.000000 0.000000 0.000000 3.000000 3.000000 2.000000 1.000000 0.000000e+00 4.104703e+04 0.000000
25% 2.756164 0.00000 0.000000 22.000000 720.940000 1.000000 1.000000 0.000000 36.000000 36.000000 34.920000 1.000000 1.273476e+05 1.322931e+05 0.000000
50% 6.704110 0.00000 0.000000 23.000000 1023.180000 1.000000 1.000000 0.000000 43.000000 44.000000 42.000000 1.000000 2.100000e+05 2.100000e+05 0.000000
75% 14.465753 0.00000 0.000000 25.000000 1549.100000 1.000000 1.000000 0.000000 52.000000 54.000000 50.920000 1.000000 2.100000e+05 2.100000e+05 0.000000
max 106.432877 9782.00000 122090.000000 66.000000 75093.840000 246.000000 246.000000 13.000000 127.000000 127.000000 127.000000 179.000000 1.454662e+10 2.227618e+11 9647.000000

The categorical features of the LEADS recommendations for the portfolio 2 are also different from the whole dataset!

Again, this strenghen the idea that the owner of portfolio 2 prefers “bigger” clients.

de_natureza_juridica sg_uf natureza_juridica_macro de_ramo setor idade_emp_cat nm_divisao nm_segmento sg_uf_matriz de_saude_tributaria de_saude_rescencia de_nivel_atividade nm_meso_regiao nm_micro_regiao de_faixa_faturamento_estimado de_faixa_faturamento_estimado_grupo
count 2000 2000 2000 2000 2000 2000 2000 2000 2000 2000 2000 2000 2000 2000 2000 2000
unique 34 6 5 31 5 6 77 19 18 6 3 3 19 71 11 11
freq 1000 502 1156 396 1200 1237 396 396 483 1206 1989 1748 510 466 650 596
de_natureza_juridica sg_uf natureza_juridica_macro de_ramo setor idade_emp_cat nm_divisao nm_segmento sg_uf_matriz de_saude_tributaria de_saude_rescencia de_nivel_atividade nm_meso_regiao nm_micro_regiao de_faixa_faturamento_estimado de_faixa_faturamento_estimado_grupo
count 462298 462298 462298 462298 462298 462298 462298 462298 462298 462298 462298 462298 462298 462298 462298 462298
unique 67 6 7 33 5 6 87 21 27 6 5 4 19 73 12 11
freq 295756 127654 320211 172404 211224 138580 172462 211804 125362 145646 380873 220131 75553 61018 294802 273595

Next, we’ll plot the numeric and categorical features, to end this analysis properly.

create_distplots(recommended_dataset, numeric_features)


create_barplots(recommended_dataset, object_features, n_labels=10)


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7 Conclusion and Next Steps

The main objective was to recommend leads/new clients for companies based on their portfolios. The resulting model showed satisfactory metrics, and the recommendations for portfolio 2 presented interesting insights on it’s preferred clients’ characteristics. This project taught me a lot, and it gives insights on how to use many machine learning techniques.
The problem stated that new leads should be generated, so classic recommender systems were the first approach that came to mind. It was not until later in the project that fellow colleagues and students gave me insight on reframing the problem - hence, I ended up applying logistic regression, a simpler ML technique, in conjunction to what I already had in mind, to create this recommender system’s skeleton! This also taught me that correctly framing your problem is very important at early stages of the project.
Finally, the WebApp Leads Finder was deployed with a sample from the original data. It returns 50 recommendations and their main characteristics based on the uploaded portfolio. Give the WebApp a try!

In summary:

What could be better:

Next steps:

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8 References

Most references are about classic recommender systems, which I actually did not use step by step, but the insights were very helpful.

Simple Recommenders / Popularity Based System
Collaborative Filtering
Content Based Fitering
Hybrid Methods
The Data Science Process - Part 2
Metrics package
Evaluation Metrics fo Recommender Systems
Evaluating Recommender Systems
Mean Average Precision for Recommender Systems
Recommender Systems in Python 101
Content Based Recommender
A Gentle Introduction to Recommender Systems
Recommender Systems in Python - Part I: Content Based Filtering
Recommender Systems in Practice
Begginer Tutorial: Recommender Systems in Python
Build a Recommendation Engine with Collaborative Filtering
Dive into Deep Learning
SMOTE for Imbalanced Classification with Python


Do you have any insights on how solve this differently or wish to know more?
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